How to write the perfect advert

Pretty much everybody has used at least once in their life a classified ads service: in the past they used to be on paper, now almost uniquely online. But how is the quality of the adverts today? We look at examples of ads from Gumtree to exemplify how classified ads and how history has changed the structure of what works now that has changed from how things have been done in the past.
Historically when composing a Classified it was such that the structure was pretty standard. It started wit a short catchy heading, followed closely by a thorough pice of descriptive text on what the seller was advertising then price and finished with a Call-to-action such as ‘Phone now’ or ‘Buy now!’ etc. If space was available to include a picture then if most often sat just below the heading and above the description of the product.
With the advent of the internet buyer behaviour has become increasingly more matured so that when looking to purchase a product or service via Classified online ads they need to get the information that they want far quicker. It is part of our modern day psyche now that information is to be consumed quickly. So hence when you look at and online Classified ad the structure takes on very few of the same points that we once saw in print.
Rarely do we see an image upfront. The price often comes first. The product or service next and the contact or very brief Call-to-action next. For those seeking further information there may be space for a few dot points or we are redirected to another online platform/site that has all the extra information if you so desire.